Dates are good things for they remind us what we have to do. But they are also reminders of the past. Reminders of the sad parts in our life.
24 months ago on the 29th of December, Blair and I were winging our way home from the wonderful trip to South Africa.What a wonder that trip was--it was so fun on our three week road trip.I had Blair all to myself--and he me.We ate wonderful seafood.We drank good wine. We frolicked in the Indian Ocean.We met new people, had new adventures. We made love like never before. We shared our most inmost thoughts. It was good. It was very, vey good. But it was time to come home. I was excited to return to my wonderful home. My bed. Use my bath. Everything! Indeed, it was exciting to return.
And yet, one month later, on January 29, little did I know that that day would be Blair’s last conscious day on earth. Yes, dates are wonderful---and dreadful----Yet without Christ’s dreadful crucifixion, there would be no resurrection. And without His resurrection, there would be no hope. But there is hope, for there was resurrection---and we only need to believe He died for me and rose for me so I might live. I have hope. Yes, hope. I have eternal life. Yes, hope to see my loved ones who trusted in Him. But the main event will be to be with Him, my hope in glory!
Now I am looking at this date, December 29 seeing how near and dear my Lord and Savior has been to me. My heart no longer aches so much as I reflect on this date.....And that is good. That means God does what He promises.To heal our broken hearts and give us joy again. He has done that in me.
Praise God for dates---dreadful and beautiful......