How can one write only one paragraph to give tribute to a man? Blair Graybill was a one of a kind man. Bright, kind, inquisitive hazel eyes, framed by wire rimmed glasses, Blair Graybill had personality that made you want to trust him. His full head of silver hair gave him authority. He loved to learn and he never stopped the pursuit. While some teachers will rest on what they’ve learned, Blair never stopped. Teaching for over 30 years, he never grew tired of studying our American history. Blair loved his family even more. He was extremely proud of his two sons. He was the family organizer of reunions, and family genealogy. There were many people in his life who deeply respected him. Myself, his children, colleagues, and family. Blair was a gracious and kind man who was confident enough and manly enough to be helpful with most anything. When Blair decided to do something, he’d already analyzed the problem and was ready to do it. Though he left no directive regarding donating his kidneys, I believe he would have analyzed the situation, then would have decided to give. Blair loved me, his family and of course his late wife, Pat. I was blessed to know him and be a part of his life--and I know I will see him again--in heaven--because of his faith, a strong component in his life. He died, trusting in Jesus Christ for his salvation. I was blessed to know him and honored to have his name.
So, together, Blair's son, step-daughter, step grandsons, wife and friend will accept the award from Governor Gregoire. The greatest honor is to Blair. We love you!