Saturday, December 1, 2012

Hope...Very Real

Reading in Acts today and one verse stood out to me..."I have hope in God.." There's more to the verse, but that's what I needed today.

My life is good, but I still need to be reminded of where my hope lies. I also read, "Cease striving and know that I am God." I learned that "striving" means sink down, let drop, relax. Sometimes I don't relax very well.

So, I will enjoy my grandchildren today. I will drive the boys to their friend's house in Battle Ground. I will drive Annabel to a birthday party. I will pretend I'm a mommy again--though grammie is just fine too.

I will remember where my hope comes from. I will work on relaxing about my future. The song runs through my mind as I write.

Why so downcast 
Oh my soul?
Put your hope in God
Put your hope in God

I will do just that--put my hope in God!