Wednesday, June 26, 2013

And One More Milepost

Greg and Blair at Oxford

How could I not include one of my newest sons! He will be thirty-eight on his daughter's birthday.Greg is one special man. He fiercely loves his little family, Caytie and Meghan.

Greg is a constant calmness in many people's stormy days. He is the one--especially now that I don't have my dad for theological questions--I trust the most in the spiritual realm.

Greg reminds me mostly of his father, Blair. A calm, resolute, do-things-right-guy.

Because I married Blair, Greg is my son. I'm so glad you're in my life, Greg. Happy thirty-eighth birthday!
Greg holding Meghan, Caytie and of course, Lucy!
In Baden Baden, Germany.

Mileposts...big ones and small ones...

Tomorrow and the next day are dates that are mileposts for several people in my family. Milepost One  is my own girlie, Erika Ann. Tomorrow she will turn forty. How can that be? I remember when she was born so clearly. The silky soft skin of her face next to mine. Her little six and a half pound body in my arms. The kitten-like mewing sound when she cried. I remember the pull of my heartstrings as I witnessed happy times and sad times in her life. Her name means "strong one" and she is that. Happy birthday, dearest daughter!
Big brother Todd holding baby Erika
Erika's 16th birthday with her two grandpa's
Happy times in San Francisco--we're moving Todd back to Vancouver
Milepost Two is my oldest grandgirlie, Rebekah. She's turning twenty-one on the day Erika turns forty. Though I met Rebekah when she was two, I'll never forget that pixie face, pretty brown eyes, and trusting smile when I took her hand for a walk. I'm so glad you're in my life, Boo. Happy 21st birthday!
In San Francisco

Milepost Three takes place June 28th when my youngest grandgirlie turns one! What a happy, well-adjusted baby she is! I can't wait to see her again when she comes back to the States. Happy birthday, dearest Meghan. Hugs and kisses!
Grammie and Meghan in Germany at seven months

Erika and Me

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Lovely words....

I love words. Written words. Spoken words. A writer's words. My words. God's words. Sometimes I'm so inspired by words, I copy them down, just to read and think about them one more time.

I was struck by the following verse in Proverbs, written by a wise man, inspired by God.

By long forbearance a ruler is persuaded,
And a gentle tongue breaks a bone.
Proverbs 25:15 

How often have my words struck something in a person's heart and mind? I know my words are not always gentle. Sometimes they are harsh. Impatient. Are they profound enough to "break a bone"? I'm not sure, but I pray my words will move those closest to me to do good. To love more. To have mercy. Most of all, to love God.