What will people say about me when I enter eternity? More important, what will my family say about me? I want them to say they were loved by me. That they knew they could count on me during their greatest needs and in the good times, too. That I was fun to be with. Most of all, will they know with full assurance, I'm in heaven with Jesus?
I’ve been thinking a lot about final words that are said about someone who’s died. On Tuesday, January 21, 2014 at 9:15 p.m., my mother in law, Mary Teresa Delaney Mozena Hough entered eternity. I didn’t know Mary very well, for I've only been in the family for a few months. Mary had Altzheimers Disease and just that says a lot. I saw a spark of the real Mary several times, though, in spite of her illness. She had beautiful white hair, a clear complexion with few wrinkles and was a spritely, young looking 90 year old woman. She had a wonderful English accent and loved to dance. At our first meeting, we did a jig together. About her family she said, "Eight children--lots of work, eight children.” I agreed with her and thanked her for the excellent job she did in raising my beloved--her third-born, James Patrick Mozena. I think I see lots of her in Jim. Fun-loving. Intelligent. Hard working. Lots of energy with a spark for life. I think she loved fiercely, too, just like her second son. Thank-you, Mary, for giving life to the wonderful man I'm married to. Thank you for giving life to an extremely talented group of family members. I am blessed to have known you--even for a short time. You will be missed. Rest in peace, Mary.