This Sunday is Palm Sunday. We celebrate Jesus making His famous entry into Jerusalem where people clamored to see Him. Touch Him. They placed palm branches on the road for the donkey to walk on while Jesus was riding on his back. They cheered, Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord! (Luke 19:38b).
Only five days later, they shouted Away with this man! Release Barabbas to us! Pilate, the Roman ruler who was overseeing his trial, wanted to release Jesus and appealed to them again and they kept shouting, Crucify him! Crucify him! (Luke 23: 18, 21).
I shake my head and think I wouldn't do that. I believe! But would I? Really? I like to think I'm a follower of Jesus all the time, but sometimes I fall short.
I was reminded of it this morning. Jim and I were in our little RV, reading the Bible together as we do every morning. Someone knocked on the door and I quickly put my Bible out of sight to answer and greet our visitors. Why did I need to put it away? I didn't need to. Moments after they left, my spirit was chastened. I was so concerned of offending, I realized I was no different than those fickle followers of Jesus more than two thousand years ago.
Lord, You are so good and loving. Your Book is so precious and worthy to be read. Forgive me when I put it away, thinking I'll offend someone by it. Help me to be bolder in my faith. Thank you that you forgive. Immediately. Thank you, God, that I am forgiven. That I can look forward to celebrating Your resurrection, Sunday after next. You died so I can live. Thank You. Chasten me, as You did this morning when I forget. Amen.