Monday, August 25, 2014

Ice Bucket Challenge and Why I Will Accept the Challenge But Donate to Option 360 Instead

Here's the ice bucket before water was added

The most frequent posts on Facebook lately, have been people accepting the "Ice Bucket ALS Challenge" and having someone dump a bucket of ice water over their heads. They donate $10.00 to the ALS Association and challenge three other people to do the same thing in 24 hours.
I recently read a blog, written by Nathanael King, where he said he could not do the challenge for reasons I very much agree with. He quoted from the ALS Association website the following:

Adult stem cell research is important and should be done alongside embryonic stem cell research as both will provide valuable insights. Only thorough exploration of all types of stem cell research will scientists find the most efficient and effective ways to treat diseases. 

According to Nathanael King, (, in one clinical trial, which was supported by the ALS Association with a $500,000 grant involved "stem cells...from the spinal cord of a single fetus electively aborted after eight weeks of gestation."

I was challenged by my dear granddaughter, Sarah, to do the ice bucket dump. Because I love her, I don't want to say no. Instead, I say "yes" to the dunking, but I will not donate to the ALS Association. Instead of sending $10.00 to the ALS Association, I will send to the Option 360 in Vancouver. They do not do research on ALS, but they save lives by giving support and free ultrasound to women in a crisis pregnancy. 

I am sure most of the people who are doing the challenge are pro life. Perhaps you still wish to donate. That's fine, but I cannot in good conscience, now that I know. 

Why am I so rigid about this? Because I care about human life. I cannot send money--even $10.00 in good conscience. I will support any organization that supports life--at the very beginning--conception--as well as the very end of life. End of story.

Here I go with the ice dump!