Saturday, September 8, 2012

New Way to Think

If you look closely, you'll see a Bible there on the love seat. That's where I sit every morning to read and pray. Today's verse was thought provoking. Psalm 4:1 (KJV) "....thou hast enlarged me in my distress....." I began to think about my situation. God's word tells me--in the ancient Elizabethan tongue--"Enlarged me". It doesn't mean physical size, but the spiritual. And yes. He has enlarged me. Never have I felt the loving, comforting presence of my Comforter more than when I was in distress. Do I ask for the distress? NO! Yet, there He is. My loving God nearer to me than any family member. Any friend. He's there when I'm awake at 3:00 am in the morning. Though He is unseen, I know He is there. Sad with me. Weeping with me. Joyful with me. Life is full of "distress", yet He is there. That's all we need to know.