Sunday, September 13, 2015

Will You Marry Me? I said "Yes!"

I woke up this morning and sipped my coffee, looked at the calendar and realized: today is another day to remember! Two years ago on this day, September 13, Jim asked me to marry him! And I said, without hesitation, "Yes."

I thought back to that day, two years ago. It was a similar day as today. An autumn hot. Things were still green and flowery, yet a bit faded. As though they were tired of struggling in the dryness and needed some real water in the form of rain. 

I've been asked many times, "How can you love another again, after being married?" It's a hard question to answer, for I don't want to minimize the wonderful relationship and love I had for both of my previous spouses. 

All I can say is that I passed from great sorrow, to sweet memories with both of those major losses and arrived on the other side of grief so my heart was open to love yet again. 

"Aren't you afraid you'll lose again?" I've been asked. Of course! But do I want to remain safely in my protected shell of aloneness to not experience love again? Some people might. I chose to take the risk of loving again. And it is worth it. 

Jim has been gone this weekend on a men's retreat and I've had a taste of aloneness again for a brief time. I wouldn't be honest if I didn't think about what it would be like to be by myself again. It's a bit scary, but I know if that happens again, I truly won't be by myself. The worst has happened to me twice. And my Savior proved to be very near to me then. He's here now. And He'll be there in the future. 

So, I will enjoy the "now" with my sweet husband. Who loves me so fiercely--as I love him.

I could quote some Bible verses that would tell you how Jesus promises never to leave us or forsake us, but instead, I'll just tell you from my own experience. He won't leave you or forsake you. He loves you--and me. 

This is today, September 13. A day I won't forget. Happy days, my love. 

He popped the question right here, under the shadow of the Christus

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