Friday, February 28, 2014

Worrying and Obsessing--Sister Sins

The past five months have been a whirl. I met a wonderful man named Jim. We fell in love and immediately started making plans to join our lives together. We purchased a house. Planned a wedding that we wanted to be simple--and found small or large, weddings aren't simple! We remodeled the new house to fit our needs. Combined two households of furniture and "stuff" which was a joint combination of 80 plus years of marriage! We planned. Worked. Made a schedule of what to do each day. Between these details, we had children and siblings to meet--Jim has seven siblings, I have four. Grandchildren --18 total--to interact with. Oh yes, there was Christmas to fit in there too! We've done pretty well with this extra added into our lives, yet  both of us were beginning to feel very stressed.

I was taken with a devotional I read last week about "sister sins":  worrying and obsessing. I'm a planner. Always have been. I learned it at my mama's knee. I think the planning is fine. Obsessing and ruminating about those plans over and over is unhealthy. Ok, LORD. I need to keep in mind the Scripture from the ancient poet, David: But my eyes are fixed on you, O Sovereign LORD; in you I take refuge.......Psalm 141:8a.

How about the other sister? Worrying. We all do it. Some more than others. But if we realize it's an affront to our God to worry, should we? One of Jesus' disciples, Peter, wrote later in his life this: Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. I Peter 5:7. I like to say I'm not a worrier, but I do get anxious at times--and that's worrying!

I hope I can remember those "sister sins" and remind myself I have the Lord of the Universe on my side and He does care for me! He cares for you, too, friend!

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